Engineering Manager | Trail Runner | Stockholm, Sweden


Derek: Wait a second, wait a second... That doesn't make sense. Nah, you didn't get... you didn't get six years for stealing a TV. Come on.
Lamont: I go in the store, I come out, the police officer grabs my arm, the TV falls on his foot and breaks it. They said I threw the TV at the officer. Assault. Six years.
Derek: Come on, tell the truth. You chucked it at him.
Lamont: Like I said, I came out of the store, he grabbed my arm, it fell... on his foot.

(American History X)

Hugh Laurie

His album Let Them Talk has recently been released which I may or may not have acquired. It's really quite enjoyable. And anyway, how awesome is this:

Laurie plays the piano, guitar, drums, harmonica and saxophone. (Wikipedia)

Budapest Cycle Track

Just the day after I wrote about BAM I bumped into this piece of news about a project called Budapest Cycle Track. The creators attempt to collect traffic data via iPhone and Android apps to map popular bicycle routes through the capital in order to find out where new tracks are most needed.

The app itself doesn't have much functionality other than mapping, calculating the distance and sending over the data. This is where I see the issue, similarly to BAM. Why would anyone bother loading up an app just to supply data. Many would, I guess, but if penetration is the goal, something like this won't be enough.

At the time of writing this only 114 km was submitted to the website. The visualisation would be created once they reach 10.000. I have my doubts.

Not to mention, given the current leadership, building new bicycle tracks look like to be the lowest priority.


BAM is "bringázz a munkába" which translates to "go to work by bicycle". It is a joint project of the Hungarian Cyclists' Club and the Ministry of National Development. Every spring and autumn - this time between 4 April and 8 May - people who ride a bike to work at least eight times are eligible to win prizes.

People can log their journeys on the website, join up with their colleagues to form company teams and compete with each other. Cyclists can indicate if there was rain on a particular day or if they got a flat tire.

Admirable the initiative may be the website itself is barely passable. The menu system and site structure is convoluted and unintuitive, the whole thing looks a decade old. The social aspect is severely lacking, for example I can't check on my own teammates or find out how much they ride every day. There isn't any option to invite people either, or at least I haven't found one. Social media integration is limited to a Facebook app but its functionality stops at offering bragging rights for distance traveled. It's ugly as hell and I couldn't make it work either.

A shame really, because there are so many great possibilities here, as the Chromaroma project proved. If anything, riding the bicycle to work makes a perfect candidate for gamification. The whole project has been running since 2007, it's high time to make it more enticing. Prizes are great but there could be an achievement system with award badges. Foursquare integration also comes to mind where routes are calculated from start and endpoint check-ins. People with smartphones could opt to use GPS apps to track their journeys. Monetization would be possible via targeted cycling accessory offers, etc.

Anyway, so far this month I traveled 128 km by bike which burnt 2580 calories (so little, compared to running). If I'd had a car I wouldn't have needed to buy 10 Euro worth of gas and would have prevented 24 kg of CO2 from getting into the air.


Először nem értettem, Karotta autójának rendszámán miért szerepel a 人参 összetétel.

A 人参 (にんじん) jelentése répa vagy ázsiai ginzeng (Panax ginseng). Érted: Karotta.

Amúgy a japán rendszámokon ezen a helyen annak a prefektúrának a jele található, ahová az autó regisztrált, mellette a szám pedig a géposztály (hengerűrtartalom alapján).

Ericsson R310s

I got internet access for my work SIM so now it can be used in the iPhone. As a result I could resurrect my old Ericsson R310s I managed to unearth from a box in the attic.

I loved this phone, it was the very first I had. This was the time when everyone was running around with Nokia 3210s and I wanted to be different. It has a wicked looking shark fin antenna and it's practically indestructible. Still in mint condition with a durable enough battery; I'm only missing the belt strap.

Random fact: Lara was using this phone in the first Tomb Raider movie in the Cambodia scene.

Shadow Venger

Ma metál napot tartottam a rádióban, így kaptam Venger's Diaryt. Mint kiderült ez Shadow Venger gitáros már lezárt szövegcentrikus projektje. A gitárra fókuszáló munkáit mint Shadow Venger adja ki. Rengeteg közülük letölthető ingyen a oldaláról. Az instumentális Girl of the Sunsetben például nagyon tetszenek a ritmusváltások:

[audio:|titles=Girl of the Sunset]

Skylar Grey

Dani linkelte ezt a Love The Way You Lie feldolgozást, amit nem embedelek, mert csak hang. Viszont amikor elkezdtem utánanézni, kiderült, hogy Skylar Grey valójában Holly Brook, akinek a Like Blood Like Honey albumát elég sokat hallgattam. Valamint felfedeztem, hogy egy ingyen hallgatható EP-je is megjelent 2010-ben O'Dark:Thirty címmel. Ráadásul nem más, mint Duncan Sheik produceri segítségével, akiről azt kell tudni, hogy a Spring Awakening (Tavaszébredés) zenéjét szerezte úgy mellesleg. Erre mondom én, hogy egy csodálatos világban élünk.

Don't You Cry

Hozzáadott értékkel rendelkező tartalomra nincs idő, úgyhogy marad Simone és a Kamelot.

Május 3-án a Pecsában lehet találkozni a Kamelottal, sajnos biztosan Simone nélkül. Tavaly a Szigeten nagyon jó hangulatot csináltak. Azonban:

Unfortunately, we have been informed that, due to continuing medical and personal issues, Roy Khan will not be able to finish the remaining touring in support of Kamelot’s album, “Poetry for the Poisoned”.

However, we are pleased to announce that metal icon Fabio Lione (Rhapsody of Fire) will be joining the tour and handling the lead vocal duties. There will also be guest vocal appearances throughout the tour by Simone Simons (Epica), Tommy Karevik (Seventh Wonder), and many more surprise guests throughout this very special and rare tour.

Azért ez így nem ugyanolyan...


Az angolok a tömegközlekedésből csináltak szuper közösségi játékot.

Persze úgy könnyű, hogy az Oyster card rendszer miatt az adatok begyűjtésének problematikája már meg is oldódott. Mennyivel élvezetesebb lehet úgy metrózni, hogy közben elfoglalhatod a megállót, vagy pontokat gyűjthetsz az átszállással.

"Gratulálunk, ezzel az utaddal megszerezted a Körbe-körbe a Körúton jelvényt!"

Plusz tényleg össze lehetne kötni kedvezményekkel, Foursquare-rel. Ha turista jön, kaphatna a reptéren kis csomagot kártyával meg soknyelvű játékszabállyal, így a BKV-vel nézhetne várost.

Technológia szövi át minden tevékenységünk. A telefonjainkkal, mágneskártyáinkkal, blogjainkkal, közösségi hálóinkkal, képmegosztókkal és csiripeléssel végtelen adathalmazt, adatnyomot teremtünk miközben átutazunk az életünkön.