Engineering Manager | Trail Runner | Stockholm, Sweden

Trinity Orchestra plays Daft Punk

I really only seem to have time for music posts.

Trinity Orchestra is the only fully student run orchestra in Ireland. In this video they are playing Daft Punk's album Discovery in Trinity College Dublin's Exam Hall. First of all, let the sheer awesomeness sweep over you: the many instruments, the arrangement and the enthusiastic musicians. Secondly, how great is that study hall of theirs?

Heroes for Ghosts

The Gathering quite unexpectedly released a surprise track from their upcoming album the title of which is yet to be announced. The song is called Heroes for Ghosts and in exchange for an email address you can download it in any format your heart desires. You can also listen to it here. It's awesome.

[audio:|titles=Heroes for Ghosts]


My new find is Amaranthe, a Swedish-Danish power / melodic death metal band. They started out as Avalanche back in 2008 when they released a 4-song demo. Went through a name change to Amaranthe due to legal reasons and finally released their debut concept album this April. Which is good, very much so.

The second track, Hunger, was chosen as the first single:

Meanwhile in London

"The surviving members of Pink Floyd reunited onstage tonight at London's 02 Arena during a stop on Roger Waters' Wall tour - marking only the second time that Nick Mason, David Gilmour and Waters had played together in the last 30 years." (Rolling Stone)

This is one of those once in a lifetime moments.


In Japan, there is a convenience store everywhere. And they mean it.

We Are The Fallen

Ex-Evanescence members teamed up with American Idol's Carly Smithson make up We Are The Fallen. This video was released today as a teaser for their upcoming Cirque Des Damnes live DVD.

Cooper, the photographer cat

Cooper is a 5 year old American Shorthair cat living in Seattle. Once a week he wears a lightweight digital camera fastened to his collar, which snaps a new photo every 2 minutes. Check out his Flickr gallery.



Нина. Зачем вы говорите, что целовали землю, по которой я ходила? Меня надо убить. (Склоняется к столу.) Я так утомилась! Отдохнуть бы... отдохнуть! (Поднимает голову.) Я — чайка... Не то. Я — актриса. Ну, да! (Услышав смех Аркадиной и Тригорина, прислушивается, потом бежит к левой двери и смотрит в замочную скважину.) И он здесь...(Возвращаясь к Треплеву.) Ну, да... Ничего... Да... Он не верил в театр, все смеялся над моими мечтами, и мало-помалу я тоже перестала верить и пала духом... А тут заботы любви, ревность, постоянный страх за маленького... Я стала мелочною, ничтожною, играла бессмысленно... Я не знала, что делать с руками, не умела стоять на сцене, не владела голосом. Вы не понимаете этого состояния, когда чувствуешь, что играешь ужасно. Я — чайка. Нет, не то... Помните, вы подстрелили чайку? Случайно пришел человек, увидел и от нечего делать погубил... Сюжет для небольшого рассказа... Это не то... (Трет себе лоб.) О чем я?.. Я говорю о сцене. Теперь уж я не так... Я уже настоящая актриса, я играю с наслаждением, с восторгом, пьянею на сцене и чувствую себя прекрасной. А теперь, пока живу здесь, я все хожу пешком, все хожу и думаю, думаю и чувствую, как с каждым днем растут мои душевные силы... Я теперь знаю, понимаю, Костя, что в нашем деле — все равно, играем мы на сцене или пишем — главное не слава, не блеск, не то, о чем я мечтала, а уменье терпеть. Умей нести свой крест и веруй. Я верую и мне не так больно, и когда я думаю о своем призвании, то не боюсь жизни.


Simkó-Várnagy Mihály

Cellos have been cool at least since Apocalyptica released their 1996 album.

For further proof check out the 2CELLOS porject of Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser and their rendition of Smooth Criminal.

And now I stumbled upon Misi Várnagy with his electric cello and loop station:

Corvinus University of Budapest

The rector of my alma mater had to send a letter to the students and staff today to react to the leaked proposal by the under-secretary for education Rózsa Hoffmann according to which Corvinus University may be closed, its faculties broken up and merged with four other universities.

Rector Tamás Mészáros wrote that the university has not been contacted or asked to participate in any consultation regarding this plan. He believes that such a decision would be inconsistent with the European values as well as diminish the competitiveness of Hungary. The popularity, achievements and international recognition of the university are values to be improved not destroyed.

Corvinus University is currently ranked 62nd in the Financial Times European Masters in Management rankings.