Engineering Manager | Trail Runner | Stockholm, Sweden

Norway: A Bird's-Eye View

TV-aksjonen 2014

Dolgok, amik megtörténnek. Először kitettem ezt a számot.

Aztán láttam élőben ezt a sátrat Trondheim főterén.


A kettő pedig ebben a videóban találkozik.

Van egy akusztikus feldolgozás is, ami még jobb.

Arról, hogy micsoda a TV-aksjon, itt lehet olvasni. (Norvégul.)


Bon Iver cover. For their own songs, clickety-click.


A Time-Lapse Adventure

Prepare for the best five minutes of your life.

Styggen på ryggen

Styggen er angsten og panikken. Den stemmen som finnes i oss alle, som sier at alt kommer til å gå galt. Noen hører stemmen tydeligere, høyere og jævligere enn andre. Sangen er for dem som har en daglig fight med den jævelen.* —

* Styggen is the anxiety and the panic. The voice that's in us all, which says that everything is going to go wrong. Some hear the voice clearer, louder and more fucking annoying than others. The song is for those who have a daily fight with the motherfucker.

Take Me To Church

Hungarian religious education for 13 year olds (src: Origo):


In terms of sexuality he who consciously acts against the values set forth by God commits a sin. We cannot respect the opinions of loose people who ignore belief in cases of sexual morality. Sexual intercourse outside of marriage is a sin. Only deep love, much contemplation and many prayers allow young people to decide to tie their lives together. If they want to live a life in the grace of God they can only have sex after marriage.

Unfortunately, nowadays there are many trial-marriages. Often young people rule out the possibility of marriage altogether.

Adultery, rape and the sale of one's body — the front pages of newspapers are full of these stories. The internet also became a proliferator of sins against morality. We have to be careful of those that try to violate children (pedophilia). We cannot accept the sexual affection of those of the same sex. This has been set forth in the Old Testament. If not sickness but conscious deviation is behind these acts the parties involved commit very serious sins.


Meanwhile in 渋谷




Hungarian government strikes on human rights NGOs, watchdogs, investigative journalists and activists. 13 blacklisted organizations are persecuted because they stand for democracy, human rights and the freedom of speech, and fight against corruption, oligarchism, and dictatorship. If these are reasons to be blacklisted, put me on that list. #ListMeToo

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