Engineering Manager | Trail Runner | Stockholm, Sweden

era of transition

Thursday, 5 February, 2004 - sesam

Don't ask. :)

I was sick in the first place. Nasty flu combined with a sore throat took one week from my life. I am now back at the university where I won't learn at all seemingly. Because of the trip to Japan I cannot start my semester here. I am not afarid of boredom however for I have AIESEC to fill my suddenly acquired free time.

I am about to set sail to the Lake Balaton again to AIESEC Winter National Conference. It'll be four days long. (And there is no net there, consequently no updates either.)

I'm planning to move the whole site to a new service provider because this one can only be payed via postal transfer. Of course I cannot pay from Japan so I need a service provider that can be payed via credit cards preferably online. I am thinking about StartLogic.