The News
The new look is online and I hope everyone likes it. I was trying to be a little darker this time, that's why the horror theme. It goes very well with the Rules are Rules story, doesn't it? The redesign is not finished yet, along with some of the pages that are still incomplete. Feel free to express your opinion at the shoutbox though!
I was busy lately as I've foreseen it. I was asked for favors by my family and AIESEC didn't stop either even though most of the members are having exams. I am also trying to finish some of my paused projects - one of them is the page redesign. I had problems with my Internet access - again - and now it seems I will get ADSL 512/128 for free. Meaning no installation costs are to be paid.
Shock of the day was a phone call from the Japanese embassy telling me that I've been selected by the Japaneese Government for a five year scholarship to study at one of the universities of Japan. I am to leave Hungary at that start of April and I will reside in Tokyo. I have mixed feelings about this, and I am very unsure of this whole thing and myself. This is not a weekend trip to the moutains after all...