No update for more than a week. Shame on me. The main reasons are being busy and the lack of computers connected to the net. Still I am trying to do my best and update as much as possible. However the week of half-semester exams is approaching fast. Very fast indeed. This means I have to force myself to sit down and learn statistics, mathematical analysis, law and sociology. Brrr.
Many things happened since last update. We played Diablo 2 through in a weekend with my brother. It was a lot of fun. I watched {xXx} and {Insomnia}. I liked the latter and enjoyed the former. And... well nothing else comes to my mind now.
I feel broken. Depression overwhelms me. I suck at work (AIESEC), suck at school, anything I try to do is unsuccessful. Even the weather is sad. I need to find something that pulls me out of this misery...
This weekend meant more fatigue than recreation for me. I stayed at my accomodation at Budapest for Saturday to help my brother buy his new computer (a damn good one compared to mine). Then at home we set up a network and played some multiplayer games together which we have been planning a for a long time now. However now my train back starts in no time and I have to pack and travel again which I pretty much hate. One can hardly gasp for air on the trains at this time that much crowded they are. This makes the route back very exhausting and unpleasant. And next week won't be easy either I fear... May I be blessed with strength!
Life is complicated. I am writing this entry in the AIESEC office again, however I will have to go to the so called 'Salthouse' (The building was used to store salt originally, now it is the computer laboratory of the uni.) because here the ftp transfers are blocked. The problems is finding a free computer is as likely as spotting a white raven. (Hungarian saying)
Yesterday film was OK, it had an athmosphere reminding me of the Fallout games for some reason. And I misspelled the name of Courteney Cox (missing an e ;). The best thing about the movie I think that it was subtitled so I could listen to authentic US speech for one and a half our. ;)
Note a couple of hours later: Idealism is very dangerous. I couldn't update the site at the comp. lab of course. There were lessons being held in all damn eight rooms there. Luckily I could sneak into my father's office...
Busy days follow even more busy days. Yesterday there was an AIESEC meeting, and today there will be another one plus I am going to the cinema to see {3000 miles to Graceland}. I somewhat like Kevin Costner but I am absolutely curious about Courtney Cox... ;)
I might succeed in buying a Celeron 1GHz processor and my brother will get a computer as a present from our parents. You know what this means... LANparty@home! :) If everything goes well on Sunday we will be able to play together finally. I am thrilled.
The AIESEC-weekend was great indeed. :) Now I am quite positive about taking part in some of the AIESEC projects running at AIESEC BUESPA (I've just learned this, this is the official abbreviation of Budapest University of Economy and Public Administration). There will be meetings at which the projects are discussed and the tasks handed out. All this seems very professional just like in a company. ;)
Ack! More: Damn! I have to do german homework... I hate it because the things we learn are far beyond my knowledge, so I cannot understand half ot the things half of which I want. So I will be at the language-labor for a looong time... :(
I came home in order to resuplly myself with piles of food and clothes for the upcoming long week+end. I will go to a meeting organised for freshmen who want to know more about the student organisation {AIESEC}. I am interested in it an I think I will join it, this is why I will spend my weekend near the lake Balaton.
However this prevents me from going to the team-camp held at the same time for my and other five groups at a very pleasant mountanious place. Anyway, however much one would want to, he cannot split himself into two.
Ah, and the news that means a weak faded ray of light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel: I MAY have Internet at my accomodation. And more: a really fast one. :) This is however yet not sure and it is only a plan as I have been informed. Everyone cross your finger. I definately want Net! :)
Anyone knows the cell phone number of Mulder or Scully? I have experienced a supernatural phenomena this morning. I set my alarm clock yesterday night and went to sleep. However this morning I woke up at 8:15 (my mathematical analysis seminar started at 8:00) and my alarm clock was turned off. Creepy! Or I might have turned it off half dreaming but is that possible that I cannot remember that at all?
The bad thing is that I am going out tonight so there is a big chance that I will be late tomorrow morning too... c'est la vie :)
Other autumn-signs came up this morning. I noticed, that our cat has grown a much more tight and bigger fur for the upcoming winter. Funny, because he seems to have increased in size due to this. Cats are no doubt amazing creatures. :)
However much I wanted to be or at least seem happy today, I dislike Sundays for the reason that I have to learn German for Monday and have to travel by train back to Budapest. Trains are extremely crowded due to the fact that tons of other students like me go back to uni on Sundays.
I still have work to do. A project for my sociology seminar. *sigh*
It's definately autumn here. The unmistakeable sign of the beginning of autumn is that I need socks when I stay awake late working with the computer. I always have slippers - though I am not quite sure that my sandal-like 'shoes' can be called slippers properly - on even in summer, because my body has the strange trait of being cold at the 'ends' or to put it clearer my hands and feet are always very cold. But now as we haven't started heating yet, the lower region of the rooms is too cold for the barefoot-slipper combo.
My feelings are autumnish as well. I have no idea why but especially on weekends I feel an unexplainable dislikeness towards repeatable contemporary things. Like making the bed, brushing my teeth, having a haircut, learning German, updating the journal... I am tired of doing what I have to. This frightens me as probably it is the result of the beginning of the schoolyear, but having such attitude after two weeks is a warning sign... :(
And: I am VERY disappointed. I had a system crash that caused a complete hard-drive data loss. (Seems like {data losses} happen this time of the year more often.) This erased my AO install as well. The problem is, I have a very old version - 12.9 - and after a short calculation I recognised, that my remaining net-time of the 40 hours of net is not enough at my connection speed to download all the patches I need. Luckily one of my friends helped me: he downloaded the big 11.0 -> 14.5 patch. And then came the shock. This patch is good for ONLY 11.0, and no other later versions of AO. (Meaning I would need a 12.9 -> 13.0 patch, all 13.x patches and the 14.0 -> 14.5 patch.) I haven't ever seen a game for which the collective patch wouldn't update from any version to the latest. What use does the collective patch have at all?? Crap.