Engineering Manager | Trail Runner | Stockholm, Sweden


Back from the TEACH conference. :) I enjoyed it very much, and I am planning to write about it a little bit longer. However now - as usual - I have only minutes to write a post as I have a German lesson. Have I mentioned before, that I pretty much hate German? Now I do. I don't like it. I don't like the languages in which I cannot express myself, and German is one of these. on has to learn tons of complex and difficult rules to say even the easiest thing. And not only does the grammar suck but also the words do. They are long, diffcult and very hard to learn. Of course I don't want to offend any German-speakers here, I just want to say that it is extremely hard for me to learn and even more, to speak this language.

I am planning to go home on Wednesday. I am sooo eager to play AO and forget about school stuff a bit. I am also tired because of the exhausting conference-weekend as well.

And now... I must leave to learn... German... *sob*.

Training 'n' Education

I am very surprised ho organised I am. :) Managed to write a post yesterday and today as well... amazing. :) I found out other computers at our lab where one can FTP (not all of them are capable :( ) so from now on there is an increasing chance of updating.

My written tests were quite successful (the ones I already know) so I am satisfied. They were not that difficult as I have expected though.

Tomorrow starts the TEACH conference of AIESEC at Balatonberény. So I won't post anything until next Monday (If I'll have time then...). I am looking forward it hoivere much tiring it is. Because as usual AIESEC gatherings are the following: morning, afternoon: education, work, trainings, etc while at night: partying ; sleep: nothing at all ; consequence: total fatigue. Hehe, like I were that rested and fresh now.


*Yawns* I attended a so called sleepover which had started yesterday and meant a night-long brainstorming and project organising. It was very tiring (AIESEC fellows said I was sleeping at the end however they did not know I only rested my eyes... :)

The other (bigger) problem is, that I have to write a sociology test in an hour. So I'd better stop post-writing and start tuning me up to the challange that awaits...


Hm. I think it will be tough to express myself in English. I started to watch Amelie today. however I had to abandon it because I need to pack and catch my train as usual on Sundays. I hate stopping to see films without seeing the end. A film incomplete leaves an empty space in one's thoughts. And the atmosphere of this movie is so catching that one can hardly return to the 'real world'. I read on Ragnar's journal that this film must be seen in French. I now totally agree that. I didn't like French ever, but I have to admit that it has charms, it has music.

Well, I have to see this film in complete soon. I am curious.

two short days

Played much AO today again. Well I won't play again until about 2 weeks, so it is understandable. However I feel guilty about not spending much time with my family. They see me on weekends only and even then I am sitting at my computer... well, luckily they understand my little addiction.

My yesterday illness flew away, I am fully helathy. I do think I have a relatively good immune system as I am very rarely ill and even if I am it won't last long. Not to mention the fact that I seldomly pick up an infection if sick people are around me. Luckily. :)

Next week an AIESEC conference will be held from Thursday to Sunday so I doubt I will have time to update my journal at all. I hope I can squeeze a little post out at least. ;)


Hm. No update since the law exam (it was VERY easy...) again, but now I have pretty strong excuses:

Firstly I am sick, I have fever and all this stuff... it is likely a virus and I do hope I will be healthy again after a few days. Luckily it caught me yesterday, not a day before, because I had a mathematical analysis exam that day. About analysis: it was far easier than I was told and expected. Maybe I misunderstood things but I could solve the problems pretty fast... Lets hope I did everything right and the exam was easy for real.

Secondly... well you must have noticed it. Yep. The new site design. I thought I need a cooler site than was, one that reflects my current skills in image-editing. :) If you like it - or not - feel free to drop me a {mail}.


Law exam today. I am so glad I didn't choose law school. ;) Law can be very interesting at some points as it is slightly more complex than it seems to be for the first sighet. However learning it is very exhausting for me. I hate learning things by heart, like exceptions, definitions, rights, etc. Pity law is built up of mainly these. :)

By the way: mystical things happeing again, now with my mailbox. I wasn't able to download my messages for 3 days. The server returned either a 'bad login' error or an unknown error... with the same login name and password that worked for months. Weird. Today I was able to download all my mail. With the login unchanged. Seeems like there are Bermuda-triangles in the net as well. :) To be honest I have a possible explanation for this phenomena. This mailbox is a free mailbox mainly for web-based mail checking and pop3 download is only an option. But my mail delivery program checked the account every 2 minutes and it may have caused a temporary disable of the service to protect the servers. I mean not that my 2 minute checking would cause overload on thir mail server I just think they may have a rule that if one checks his/her mail too much with pop3 he/she needs to be banned for a time. Maybe.


I must admit AO is highly addictive. I spent most of today by playing AO, and I haven't noticed the time flying by. I successfully levelled to 136 and collected elite dog-tags. However the most heartwarming thig was that many people offered nanos and various help to me. This means I am not totally forgotten due to my unstable presence on Rubi-Ka. This is most pleasant.

I also watched K-Pax today. A very interesting movie, that makes those little wheels in the brain move. I liked the way it kept up the thrill of the watcher. No real action was going on only signs, sentences that can mean different things, etc. I like most of the films I see, however not all of them can do what K-Pax did. I started to think about the questions and problems the film set after I saw it. I regard this trait one of the most important of any movie.


I fear this months posts will remain few in number. (Now comes the repeated promise: I will try to update more often bla bla ...)

I had statistics written test today. It wasn't too difficult, though tougher than I expected. Still I am quite sure I managed to pass it, the only question is the mark I get. (Here it worths mentioning that in Hungary we have a different grading system. We give grades from 1 to 5 where 1 means failed while 2-5 are passed. 2 is sufficient 3 is average 4 is good and 5 is excellent.)

Then when I came home I played an unhealthy amount of Anarchy Online. I haven't played for so long that I felt real hunger for a little Rubi-Ka air. I became level 134 and collected a number of dog-tags for the Commander Brock static mission.

Today I got a set of movies from my friend in DivX. We had great fun with my bro copying all the films on his hard drive witht he following method: He copied a CD using his DVD and in the same time I sent 2 other CDs on our home network with the help of my CD and CD-RW drives. Nifty. :)

After film copying was done we sat down to play a little outro-quake. We started a CTF with some bots and soon it became clear that the bots have no chance. (Not that we were sooo great players it was set really-really easy taking the fact into consideration that it is late and both uf us are tired.) Anyway to not to sink into boredom we started hitting each other with the RPG or the Railgun (friendly fire was off) to push the other into the lava... finally my brothrer joined the bots team and we could fight each other a little. We had lots of fun. :)

And there are very strange things happening around I can't miss to mention. My father started to play with the thought to buy me a laptop computer. W00t! That would be uber indeed! Well it is just a plan only but I think he is determined to buy one in some time. To accelerate this I applied for the job to correct maths entrance exams for a maths entrance exam course of a university. I hope I will be selected and be able to earn some extra cash. Be honest, it is always welcome.


Waking up on Monday mornings is a pain. I really have to reorganise my timetable next semester so that I won't need to attend 8 o'clock lectures. I am really looking forward to this because - sadly - freshmen always get a ready-made timetable and there is no chance to change it really. Needless to mention that this means 8 o'clock lectures on every single day...

In general I am happy or at least balanced and satisfied. I have all my work done at AIESEC so I can concentrate on learning for my exams next week. And as October 23 - a national holiday in Hungary - is on Wednesday I can go home on Tuesday as I have no classes on Thursday. (W00t I really have to make a sentence that contains all the days of the week... it's so confusing ;)

I am going to the cinema on Tuesday (days again... ;) to watch Bloody Sunday. I am pretty much excited about the movie. I hope it will bring back the feeling of the long gone English lessons in Grammar School. (I wouldn't ever have thought of that I would be this much sentimental about English classes half a year later. Well, seems I am...) What I expect is that the movie is historically correct and has some love in it. Love is a must. If I lack it in my everyday life at least I want to watch it in movies.

I was told I use too much emoticons and triple dots... ;) Not... at... all.. :)