It's Sunday and here is a short update. As short as Sundays are. Unlike Mondays. Mondays are dark, grey, long and exhausting. Getting up at the crack of dawn, watching as the trees run away from the window of the train, going to classes and stay at the uni late in the evening then go home and fall to the bed and sleep like a log just to wake up next day for the same schedule. Long. 52 words in a sentence.
Today is a special day, as my former English teacher used to start her class in grammar school. It's Women's day today. Get up all males of the world and buy flowers to thank the women that we are here. For all of us was helped to life by a woman and we all seek a woman to complete our lives. Plus females are just terribly cute... :)
As we haven't already found out how can we transport material on the internet I cannot send flowers or anything on this medium. What I can is text. So here is a part of a {Hindu legend} that - in my opinion - is one of the best definitions of the women. Have a happy day y'all out there!
I was wondering if I should have written this post before having a shower or after. I decided to choose the former no matter showers proved to have a boosting effect on my thinking. After shower I will be just more tired and longing for a soft bed than now.
I have seen two movies lately: Death Ship and The Sweetest Thing. Death Ship reminded me much like Blood 2. you know, the computer game famous for having sooo much blood in it that turned out to be ridiculous at the end. Death Ship wasn't bad really but the story could have been stronger. There was more in the story than revealed. It lost being interesting at the end and didn't keep up the tension. The ending wasn't very much to my liking either.
The Sweetest Thing I watched because I didn't want to do anything serious this morning. It was exactly what I expected though at some points a tad too dumb... I guess the movie is aimed to be funny and romantic out of which fun is sometimes there but no romance at all. If you just came out of an exam, your brain is flushed empty and you want nothing more than sit in an armchair and switch yourself odd to standby mode, this is your film to see.
Ok, I am off to bath. And then sleep. Sleep long, undisturbed and deep. /The last word is written in a manner as if the owner of the diary had jumped instantly from his seat, putting the pen down and closing the book in an instance. A spot of dropped ink is visible, too./
Back again at university and I had my fair share of those unbelievably tiring and exhausting Monday-Tuesday combos again. I had to notice that while I am longing here like a shell of a robot only attending lessons without his soul present the outer world didn't stop. Many things have happened lately.
Firstly some great news: The Longest Journey - the game that rocked my world; that meant an experience unrepeatable - will have a sequel. Yep, TLJ2 is in production with the old team that created TLJ. And being that 2 in the name it will be more beautiful, more detailed, more entertaining and just more perfect. At least it is promised.
I do hope it will be. I pray that all these promises will come true. But there are two things that make me uneasy and unsure. I am not yet sure that TLJ2 will come out for PC. If not, that's a disaster. An end of the worlds as I do not have the money or the intention to buy any console however cool they are.
It is also said that TLJ2 will feature less speech and dialogues. I have heard this from many people that there were too many dialogues in TLJ. I don't think so. Playing an adventure game is much like reading a book for me. It is just much more complex, more detailed as it has voices and pictures. I loved the long dialogues when you could really leave this world and got transferred to Arcadia or Stark. The charms of TLJ lied in the dialogues, the logical, exciting and well-built speeches of the characters. Please, if you make fewer dialogues, don't let the TLJ spirit fly away.
Side note: My opinion considering multi-threaded adventures is quite the same: I don't think a game is bad just because the riddles have one solution and you can progress only one-way. I take these as stories, I don't want to interfere, I like the way it has been written and I solve the puzzles to see it unfold. I don't like the fact either that players want more endings just to fit their needs. Let there be one ending, either you like it or not but that IS the definite ending, the one that has been intended by the game creators, and the one that they think best suits the story. It is their game after all. If I want a story that fits my view of the world I write one or at least think about one. When I play an adventure I'd like to see how they see the world. Adventure is not an RPG, you are not April Ryan when you play TLJ, you are an outsider, a spectator, a watcher who can whisper into April's ear to help her. And what happens next or at the end is not your choice. It is defined by fate, the fate intended by the game designers. Again it is like books.
Secondly... well I am a little confused. About me. Lately I feel I do nothing productive. I mean something that I start, work on and then realise. Learning has nothing to do with productivity it seems, I attend lessons, some dull some interesting, but I see no end. Economy has also nothing to do with productivity. Economists don't create anything. Their sole function is to optimise and see the future. I mean to find out what goods will be looked for. There is no morality in them. If you somehow find out that many people will look for child-porn videocassettes, an economist would advise any company to sell child-porn. That's the way the world works, anything is sold if there is a demand. Drugs, cigarettes, weapons, everything. And as an economist, you help keeping this up. No matter you like it or not. Don't think I would like to do this all my life...
Lately I am getting a little lazy about post-writing. Last week I worked a lot with the AIESEC computers. They needed a total reinstallation and that took a long night to do. And sadly there are still some drivers that need to be searched for. It is really amazing how old and unrecognizable parts are in those machines...
During the weekend I tried to live lightly and recharge my energies for the upcoming week. However I didn't have time to read. I miss reading much as in old times I read a lot and now less and less. The primary cause is the lack of time. When I arrive home in weekdays I am too tired to do anything other than sleeping. In weekends I have my computer and the net to surf, and my family to chat with.
I like reading in a quite place with some snacks and a glass of tea. Quiet can only be reached at home, because in my dormitory there is three of us plus the corridor is always buzzing with noises even late at night. And the pile of unread books by my bed is growing larger and larger as time passes...
The weather is tricky. The sun is shining but it is cold outside and the wind blows as well. It is Wednesday, that means I survived the first two most difficult and tiring days of the week, but I am drained in energy very much now.
To my great sorrow today won't be an inch shorter than the two days before. I have tons of things to do.
And I have an emptied mind. No words to tell, only thoughts awaiting to be formed into words. :(
Sunday has passed, slowly and silently. Sundays tend to do that, sadly. This time I decided to travel to Budapest on Monday morning instead of this evening. Laziness rules the world. ;)
This afternoon I saw Novocaine, which proved to be quite interesting. It involved surprisingly much sex and violence to a comedy, and it was rather frightening than hilarious at some points. I liked this small mixture of genres, though the crime thread wasn't very smart. The character of the dentist is well formed and Steve Martin's play makes it even better. He is persuasive in the role of the dentist who is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Altogether the movie is fun, you can spend a nice one and a half hour watching it.
Well, see you next week. I don't promise more posts. All I can promise is that I will try. I haven't had such a down yet that I couldn't promise that I would try. :)
Hm, the clock has turned to midnight, so read all tomorrows todays and todays yesterdays.
I've doing bad with updates I admit. I slept, played AO or just did nothing instead. The Old Gaffer in The Lord of the Rings says "The work you never start takes the longest time to accomplish.". And updating did take long...
But as a compensation today is declared Big Update Day. ;) I redesigned the look of the {Stuff page} and added a link to the {AIESEC HUngary} site, too. AS a matter of fact there should have been another update, the translation of an Excel tutorial but I was dumb enough to forget to copy it to a disk so it is still at the Salthouse. One day I'll forget to eat and die a shameful death, mark my words.
Since a couple of days all the lights went out in the tunnel that connects the pavement in front of the university and the tram stop. As many times I have to go home late in the dark I have to pass this tunnel as well. It is quite an experience because almost no light is able to penetrate thugh the exits so down there is like you lost your eyes. Being deprived of seeing, our best sense is very unpleasant I can tell. It is not like when you close your eyes, you cannot unmake your ability with that. In that tunnel dark is heavy and dense. Blindiness should be like that.
Plus I had an extraordinary experiece travelling home. I cought a train that goes to Romania. No offense to anyone but that train is one of the dirtiest and worst of all on this line. (I don't say why nor judge, just state!) The train was strange for the first sight: no Romanian coaches. I knew something is not right at the very moment. Boarding the train surprises continued. It was relatively clean and looked like it has recently been renewed. It was heated and the lights were on. Most unbelieveable! And that shocked me mostly: there was paper towel in the toilet. Don't laugh, on this line it is definite luxury! :) Well, ok, water didn't come out of the tap, but everything cannot be so perfect... :)
My Mondays and Tuesdays are getting more and more exhausting as the semester carries on, and this is not the best sign at all. I wrote a test in information technology on Monday, which was supposed to be a piece of cake. Well, I don't say it wasn't easy, it was, but the questions were seriously mental... Like: 'Is the User Guide a hardware or a software?' I really don't think that this knowledge is essential on the field of IT.
I browsed through {the official Corrs website} and found out, that No Frontiers is originally a song of Jimmy McCarty, an Irish national folk musician. Still, the Corrs version is better in my opinion. ;) On the site there are various other info. Sadly the interact section - where you can ask questions which the members of The Corrs answer - is made up of videos. Needless to say that these are not viewable on my ISDN connection at all.
Again I have many things in my mind to tell but I don't have the intuition to form it into cohesive, nicely written sentences. Sometimes this happens.
"Heaven knows no frontiers, and I see heaven in your eyes."
I had always liked The Corrs. Their music was pleasant to listen, elaborate and rich. But now I became fond of them. All this happened due to two concert videos...
In the dormitory of mine there are three of us. One of my roomies has a computer like some of the students there. To be able to play on LAN they set up a network and - in addition to this - they shared their hard drives with movies, pictures and mp3s on them. This is how I found one day two Corrs videos.
I brought them home on a mobile rack and saw them yesterday and today. One is The Corrs live at Royal Albert Hall which I saw first. It was awesome to see The Corrs live, dressed in black velvet in that temple of music. Their song, Love to Love You echoed in my mind for along time before I fell asleep that night.
If that filled me with awe, the second video I saw, The Corrs at Landsdown Road (Dublin), imagine what did to me. This concert was so energetic at the peaks and so gripping at the calms that I have never experienced before. When they played traditional tunes or tracks like So Young, that made everyone smile, cheer and want to dance. No sorrow could fight them.
And then, Sharon and Caroline stood on two bar stools in front of two microphones and they started to sing No Frontiers. Their clear voices filled the air like a pair of tolling bells in the crack of dawn. That song truly hits. Its lyric is so simply written though its meaning is deep. I always found amazing the way some people could use words. I always have a hard time finding the correct ones for expressing myself clearly. This is why I adore No Frontiers. Today I will sleep with a smile on my face and a delight in my heart for I have had an experience that will accompany me to the last day of my life.