Engineering Manager | Trail Runner | Stockholm, Sweden


Tuesday, 9 February, 2016 - sesam

There is a scene in the excellent black comedy / revenge thriller Kraftidioten, when the two Norwegian gangsters sitting in their car start singing along with the radio. KTamas found out that the song is Floden by Bjørn Eidsvåg and Elvira Nikolaisen.

[youtube id="SRfrkuGzq7k"]

The lyrics are quite beautiful actually, if one can decipher the Stavanger (?) dialect. (Bjørn is from Sauda, and Elvira from Moi, both towns in the Rogaland fylke of Southwest Norway.)

Eg lure nå på koffor bade e'kje meir i det
Koffor, koffor når eg kjenne det goa du gjør med meg
Det kan nesten virka som om eg prøve å unngå det
Og eg føle meg redd for nåden og glea du skjenke meg
Forunderleg, forunderleg

I think this Youtube comment is the best translation I've found.