Engineering Manager | Trail Runner | Stockholm, Sweden

Nyerges Gábor Ádám

Thursday, 28 July, 2011 - sesam

I wasn't sure if I was going to post this. I don't know what to think about itt és most (here and now). One one hand it has some catchy sing-along tunes, on the other many songs are downright disturbing and full of unexpected experimental sounds. I'd wager not many would listen through the whole set. (I, for one, didn't either.) Although if you speak Hungarian, some of the lyrics are quite interesting and clever.

Anyway, the facts: the album has just been released yesterday and debuted on You can listen to the songs on Soundcloud and download them from the album's website.

This is what the Nyerges Gábor Ádám said about his work:

itt és most (here and now) is a successor of the 2009 album akkor és ott (then and there). recording started in Summer 2010 because I was in a bad mood because I was happy. guilt and the like. although it's true I used some soundbits from before. nem rossz hely (not a bad place) was finished first, and since "many good men at this not a bad place are not afraid" everything went smoothly. I jotted down everything in a big red book, lyrics and tabs as well. in the meantime everything that was shit then and there at the time went worse, not to leave me without inspiration, only by then I didn't give a rat's ass. some numbers that started out as band versions ended up here as well, because there isn't really a band anymore and they fit in. stuff.

itt és most by nyerges.gabor.adam