Engineering Manager | Trail Runner | Stockholm, Sweden


Tuesday, 5 July, 2011 - sesam

It was really smart of me to stick to default theming: WordPress 3.2 (Gershwin) is here and all I needed to do was to click the auto-update button. The whole process took about 30 seconds.

You'll all notice the brand new design that came with this release, Twenty Eleven. It looks much sleeker, more modern. In the spirit of the minimalism introduced I also removed the latest posts, latest comments, meta and tag cloud widgets from the sidebar. By the way, redoing the widgets was the only task required by the theme update, everything else went over seamlessly.

The new look includes support for mobile devices: it looks good on phones as well, without using any additional plug-ins. Also instead of the constant header you'll find a random image among the few I have selected and uploaded from my Flickr stream. My only woe is that apparently the list of header images uploaded cannot be edited from the admin interface, a feature I hope they'll integrate.