Most Mizu Pontosan
These two are ones of the most popular Youtube videos in Hungary these days: Most múlik pontosan by Quimby (with the subsequent cover by Csík Zenekar) and Mizu by Fluor.
Brace yourselves: Hó Márton, frontman of Hó Márton és a Jégkorszak, created a lo-fi bedroom mashup of the two.
Ho Marton: Most Mizu Pontosan by homarton
While on Soundcloud you might want to check out their other songs which they describe as "two-chord lo-fi songs for one guitar and one-chord lo-fi songs for two guitars". Szerelmes voltam (I was in love) was recorded in a bathroom (apparently). Hó Márton és a Jégkorszak has a blog and a Facebook page as well.