Engineering Manager | Trail Runner | Stockholm, Sweden


Wednesday, 20 August, 2003 - sesam

I seemed to have taken a months worth of vacation again. It was not entirely intentionally. I cannot say I had no time to update either. I wasn't doing many things during this period, only taking driving lessons (and all the additional stuff like first aid) regularly. It was my unsure mind that prevented me from posting. Familiarising myself with PHP my head swarmed with new ideas how to boost The main problem was that my current host does not provide PHP support with my webspace. And... I also had new design ideas as a new technology deserves a new look too. I always had the problem to dream about stuff I cannot execute. I am not remotely skilled enough with image editors to do half of the stuff needed to realise half of my design ideas. This results most of the times in one-paged never-published design fragments.

It is about my periodically upcoming destroy-and-rebuild feelings too. All the stuff I did always seems less and less important and worthy as time passes by. I tend to grow tired of my past works, wanting to forget them and never admit I did it because I am ashamed of it. reecently I tend to undervalue anything I do I think. At least there are people who are positively amazed about some things I did unlike me. That is why I decided not to remove anything from this site yet. And I won't redesign either, not now at least.

And - for the thousandth time - I will post...