Beautiful Mind
Finally the - yet unfinished - site of Radiant Heart is up and can be seen at {}. I am delighted, satisfied and tired. :)
Yesterday afternoon I experienced something that - I am absolutely positive about this - will remain in my memories for a long time. I saw the movie: {A Beatutiful Mind} ({IMDB}). It was astonishing, shocking and gripping. The best film I have seen in a long time. I was surprised at the way how Russel Crowe played {John Nash}. I saw Crowe in the {Gladiator} ({IMDB}) as well, and I couldn't really imagine that he is capable of such performance. The other thing that surprised me was the point when it becomes clear, that Nash's friend at the university who played a most important role until then was nothing more that a pure imagination of a sick brain. This renders the watchers thoughts of the first part of the film obsolete in one hush. Incredible.
I don't think this movie needs to be writing about. Go and see it, everyone!