I'm sure y'all remember the iMac freezes, I whined about them here a lot. Currently I'm running with unmodified kernel extensions because of two reasons. First, the freezes are infrequent enough to be still bearable, albeit they do come at the worst possible moments, adhering to the laws of the universe. Second, the feature introduced in Lion that resumes all running apps in the place and state they were when the shutdown was issued makes restarts much less of an issue than before.
Today I was reading an article, when... This time I wanted to do things right so I fired up the old white MacBook "Snowflake" and used ssh to log in to the iMac, then dmesg to confirm that it was, in fact, the usual video freeze: for sure the kernel output had a nice long GPU dump in it. I promptly (pun intended) issued a reboot now command only to be greeted by this:
Well, that's a first. Never before did I get a kernel panic screen.
A clip arrived yesterday for Emilie Simon's song from the new album, Franky Knight, with excerpts from the movie Quand je serai petit. Say I love you in French repeatedly.
I'm probably hopelessly ignorant since she's been known to be a quarter finalist of a talent show over The Pond but I've just came across her violin / dubstep / shuffle video and it's pure awesome:
I was told that based on a graphology analysis I seem to be permanently dissatisfied with my performance; I know I'm cut out for more but always fail to see things through and just give up. Pseudoscience or not, this may have some truth in it. Still, I haven't given up this journal, have I?
Just hours ago, somewhat out of the blue, The Gathering released a song from their upcoming album Disclosure.
Clocking in at almost eight and a half minutes this one's as epic as expected with nice long instrumental sections. As a novelty the track starts with the keyboardist Frank Boeijen singing some vocals.